Українська English


Roman Holii, Researcher of the Department of Scientific Research of Special Kinds of Documents of the Institute of Research of Library’s Art Resources of Vasyl Stefanyk National Scientific Library of Ukraine in Lviv, Candidate o Historical Sciences

The phaleristic items (1919–1939) which are collected in the Institute of Research of Library’s Art Resources of Vasyl Stefanyk National Scientific Library of Ukraine in Lviv


The library holds 87 phaleristic awards 1919–1939, from Austria, Great Britain, Canada, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Serbia, Sweden, Ukraine, USA. Among these awards we can conditionally distinguish the following thematic groups: Ukrainian and Ukrainian related awards, foreign phaleristic, international professional congresses. In these groups it is possible to distinguish subgroups representing different individual aspects of social life in Ukraine and in other countries in 1919–1939. Ukrainian and Ukrainian related honors include: Ukrainian-language honors made in Ukraine; honors of the Ukrainian Diaspora; non-Ukrainian-language honors made on Ukrainian lands. Foreign phaleristics are represented by thematic subgroups: state distinctions (Serbian Order of Saint Sava, Polish medals, etc.); non-state public awards; phalleristics of public organizations (the Red Cross, associations of librarians, doctors, electricians, technicians and others); German and Polish phaleristics on the occasion of a plebiscite in Silesia in 1921; monuments of cultural and artistic events; business awards (ASEA, Leica, Germany) and more. Distinctions of international professional congresses concern mainly medical organizations: I General Congress of Slavic Physicians in Warsaw 1927; The 1st, 2nd and 3rd Congresses of the Union of Slavic Dermatologists (in Warsaw in 1929, in Belgorod in 1931 and in Prague in 1934); The Third International Pediatricians Congress, London, 1933; IX International Congress of Dermatologists in Budapest 1935. Available in the library’s collection a memorial award of the International Congress of the World Union of Electricity Producers and Distributors in Paris, 1928 (two variants of decoration with different mounting methods).

Keywords: phaleristics, awards, international professional congresses.

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