Українська English

Senyk Yaroslav

Correspondence in the personal papers of Omelan and Tetiana Antonovych (in the manuscript division of Vasyl Stefanyk National Scientific Library of Ukraine in Lviv

Abstract: The article presents a brief overview of correspondence in the personal papers of well-known philanthropists Omelan and Tetiana Antonovych (Fond 282, Series І): family correspondence, correspondence of public and political figure Omelan Antonovych, personal and professional correspondence of professor Dr. med. Tetiana Antonovych, and also of collection of various letters. The analisys of the unknown original documents on activities of Ukrainian institutions in Europe and the USA (NTSh, UCCA, UNA, ZP UHVR, Prolog Research Corporation, Ukrainian Association of Washington, D. C.) in the Cold War period, as well as activies of political, cultural, religious figures, scholars, artists is made.

Keywords: personal papers of Omelan and Tetiana Antonovych, Shevchenko Scientific Society, Ukrainian Congress Committee of America, Ukrainian National Association, Foreign Representation of the Ukrainian Supreme Liberation Council, Prolog Research and Publishing Association, Inc. (Prolog Research Corporation), Ukrainian Association of Washington, D. C.

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