Marianna Movna, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Scientific Resercher of the Scientific Bibliography Department, Vasyl Stefanyk National Scientific Library of Ukraine in Lviv
The publications of the “Sokil Library” publishing series and her founder Yaroslav Blahitka: the concept of the Ukrainian sports movement of Galicia
The Ukrainian Patriotic Physical and Motor Society “Sokil”, founded in Galicia in 1894, set itself the goal of cultivating physical culture to instill in the Ukrainian people a sense of unity, strength and honor, endurance, agility, intelligence, energy, understanding of teamwork, self-discipline. Since its foundation, the company has been active in publishing. In the 1930s, “Sokil-Bat’ko’s” publishing activities were concentrated primarily in two book series: the “Sokil News Library” and the “Sokil Library”.
Our task in the proposed article is to highlight the concept of the Ukrainian sports movement in Galicia in the editions of the series “Sokil Library” (1935–1939) and to promote the name of its founder Yaroslav Blahitka. Due to the lack of qualified instructors and textbooks, the sports life of clubs and falcon nests could not develop in full. Therefore, the chairman of the society Y. Blahitka was the founder of the series “Sokil Library”, which published books on sports, engines and manuals for work in the society. In total, the 21st was published. Among them are books by I. Bobersky, S. Haiduchok, Y. Blahitka, E. Zhar¬sky, O. Valchyk, A. Prodan, V. Tykholіz, M. Tril’ and A. Favytsky. The books of the series contributed to the intensification of the Ukrainian sports movement and healthy lifestyle, promoted Ukrainian sports and its individual disciplines among a wide range of young people, practically taught the physical side of exercises and sports competitions, disseminated new methods of physical culture, estab¬lished Ukrainian sports terminology, were an important factor in patriotic education.
Keywords:sports movement, “Sokil-Bat’ko”, publishing series, Galicia, Yaroslav Blahitka.
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