Vira Frys, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Research Scientist, Borys Voznytsky Lviv National Art Gallery
The publication of Mykhailo Slozka’s of 1661, were not registered in the bibliography
The bibliography of the Polish-language collection entitled “PSALTERZ albo ROZANIEC Przebłogosławioncy Panny MARYEY Nowym sposobem przez rozpamiętywanie Tajemnic Wiary naszey, przy każdym Pacierzu, y Pozdro-wieniu Naś: Panny wygotowany. Z przydatkiem Koronek w tenze sposob iedney teyźe Panny drugiey Zywota Pana Jezusowego y inszych niektorych potrebnych Modlitewek. Z Lacinskieº na Polskie przełożony. Przez W. X. Iaku¬ba Gawatha. Kanonika Lwow[skiego]”, published in 1661; it was presented in the works of Jacob Gavat and in the context of various activities of the famous Lviv printer Mykhailo Slozka, who came to Lviv in the early 1930s, got married here, became a member of the Lviv Holy Dormition Stauropean Brotherhood, he managed the fraternal printing house, acted as a publisher and as a printer, later he bought out the Lviv printing house of Yana Sheliga and started a private printing business, producing luxuriously decorated, prints in Cyrillic and Latin font. The described collection of prayers belongs to the “Latin” group — a small-format edition lavishly decorated with typesetting ornaments and illustrative engravings.
Keywords:Psalterz albo Rozaniec, printer Mykhailo Slozka, 1661, Lwow, Jakob Gavat, book publishing.
1. Arkhyv Yuho-Zapadnoi Rossiy [Archive of Southern-Western Russia] (1904). Kyev, І, 12, 871 p.[in Rus.].
2. Holubev, S. (1873). Hramota, dannaia Petrom Mohyloiu Lvovskomu typohrafu Mykhaylu Slezk — na drukovane knyh [Certificate given by Petro Mo¬hyla to Lviv typographer Mykhailo Slezka — for printing books]. Kyevskye eparkhyalnye vedomosty, 22, pp. 650–651. [in Rus.].
3. Holubev, S. (1898). Kievskii mytropolyt Petr Mohyla y eho spodvyzhnyky (Opyt tserkovno-ystorycheskaho yzsldovaniia) [Kiev metropolitan Petr Mohyla and his companions (Experience of church and historical investigation]. Kiev, 2, [1043 p.] [in Rus.].
4. Zapasko, Ya. & Isaievych, Ya. (1981). Pamiatky knyzhkovoho mystetstva : kataloh starodrukiv, vydanykh na Ukraini [Sites of the book art: catalog of the old printed books published in Ukraine]. Lviv : Vyshcha shkola, 1 (1574–1700). 136 p. [in Ukr.].
5. Ysaevych, Ya. (1981). Preemnyky pervopechatnyka [Successors of the first typographer] Moskva : Knyha, 192 p. [in Rus.].
6. Ysaevych, Ya. (1976). Typohrafyia Mykhayla Slezky y ee rol v mezhslavianskykh kulturnykh sviaziakh [Typography of Mykhailo Slezka and its role in the Interslavic cultural communications]. Fedorovskye chtenyia, 1973 : sbornyk. Moskva, pp. 42–59. [in Rus.].
7. Isaievych, Ya. D. (2002). Ukrainske knyhovydannia: vytoky, rozvytok, problemy [Ukrainian book publishing: sources, development and troubles]. Lviv : Instytut ukrainoznavstva im. I. Krypiakevycha NAN Ukrainy, 520 p. [in Ukr.].
8. Kolosovska, O. & Hatskova, S. (comp., 2000). Kataloh kyrylychnykh sta¬rodrukiv Lvivskoi naukovoi biblioteky im. V. Stefanyka NAN Ukrainy [Catalog of Cyrillic old printed books of Vasyl Stefanyk Lviv Scientific Library of NAS of Ukraine]. Lviv, III. 168 p. [in Ukr.].
9. M. T–vъ [Drahomanov M.]. (1883, December). Dve yuzhno-russkiia ynter¬mediy nachala XVII v. [Two Southern-russian interludes of the beginning of XVIIth century] Kievskaia staryna, pp. 652–664. [in Rus.].
10. Mytsko, I. Z. (1990). Materialy do istorii Ostrozkoi akademii (1576–1636) : bibliohr. dovidnyk [Materials for the history of Ostroh academy (1576–1636 : bibliography guide]. In-t istorii, In-t susp. nauk, Arkheohrafichna komisiia AN URSR. Kyiv, 216 p. [in Ukr.].
11. P. Kuzmychevskii [Drahomanov M.]. (1885, November). Stareishiia russkiia dramatycheskiia stseny [The oldest Russian dramatic scenes]. Kievskaia staryna, pp. 371–407. [in Rus.].
12. Pavlyk, M. (1900). Yakub Gavatovych (Gavat), avtor pershykh ruskykh intermedyi z 1619 r [Yakub Gavatovych (Gavat), the author of the first rus¬sian interludes from 1619]. Zapysky Naukovoho tovarystva im. Shevchenka, 35–36. pp. 1–44. [in Ukr.].
13. Pershodrukar Ivan Fedorov ta yoho poslidovnyky na Ukraini (XVI – per¬sha polovyna XVII st.): zb. dokumentiv [First typographer Ivan Fedorov and his successors in Ukraine (XVI – first half of XVIIth century : collec¬tion of the documents] (1975). Kyiv, Dok. no. 99, 100, 102–104, 112, 114, 117–120, 124, 127–131, 135–137. [in Ukr.].
14. Kameneva, T. N. & Huseva, A. A. (1978). Ukraynskye knyhy kyryllovskoi pechaty XVI–XVIII vv. : kataloh [Ukrainian books of Cyrillic printing of XVI–XVIII centuries : catalog]. Hos. b-ka SSSR ym. V. Y. Lenyna, Otd. redkykh knyh. Moskva, I, 1574 h. – I polovyna XVII v. ; khraniashchykhsia vo Vsesoiuznoi hosudarstvennoi byblyoteke ym. V. Y. Lenyna. 447 p. [in Rus.].
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