Українська English


Roman Dziuban, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Senior Research Fellow Manuscript Department, Vasyl Stefanyk National Scientific Library of Ukraine in Lviv

Moving of the сollections of the Lubomirsky museum in 1940

Relevance and purpose. The purpose of the article is to include in the scientific circulation a collection of newly discovered acts and lists of individual collections of the Lubomirsky Museum, which since May 1940 have been submitted to the Lviv Museum Institutions. We believe that these documents deserve further scrutiny and will help identify individual exhibits in the collections of Lviv (and not only Lviv) museums, as well as help locate exhibits that are now considered lost.
Research methodology. In order to achieve this, a descriptive method is generally employed. The historical source method and the comparative method were partly used. Historical principles are also especially emphasized.

Keywords: Prince Lubomirsky Museum, Ossolineum, Lviv State Museum of History, Regional Art Gallery, Lviv State Art Gallery, Lviv Museum of Art Crafts, Lviv State Ethnographic Museum, collections, exhibits, archeological finds, archeological sites, paintings, carvings, orders, cameos, medallions, watches, furniture, collection weapons.

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