Українська English  

Guide for Authors

Editorial board of Proceedings of Vasyl Stefanyk National Scientific Library of Ukraine in Lviv accepts original research articles of high quality that has not been published before, and are of  great theoretical and practical significance. The article’s content should meet the journal’s field of study and modern scientific and theoretical level. The text should be edited for language . Languages: Ukrainian, English, German, Polish, French.

The article should not exceed 40 000 characters (including spaces).

The fist pages of submitted manuscript should include the next elements:

1. Universal Decimal  Classification Code (UDC). 

2. The The title of paper (not more than 10 words conforming to the subject).

3. Author’s name, scientific degree and position.

4. Affiliation of  author (authors).

5. Abstract in the same language as the paper with concise summary of the paper including brief characteristic of the object, the aim of research and its results (500-900 symbols with white spaces). Keywords in the same language as paper (5-7 words).

6. The title, abstract and keywords in English (if the paper is in English, than the Abstract should be in Ukrainian).
To meet the demands of  The procedure of the formation of scientific research publications of Ukraine, approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Decree No32 of 15th January, 2018, if the language of publication is other than English, than each paper should have an Abstract in English language (1800 symbols length, including keywords). Each non-Ukrainian paper should be accompanied by Ukrainian abstract (not less than 1800 symbols, including keywords).

7. Text of  the paper structured as required in Decree of High Certificate Commission’s Presidium No7-05/01 of 15th January, 2003.

Reference List displayed in alphabetical order with no less than 6 items should be submitted in two versions: 

1. in a paper’s language (with comprehensive details of the source according to Ukraine’s State Standard 8302:2015 “Information and Documentation. Bibliographic Reference. General Principles and rules of composition”);

2. Reference List in Latin symbols compiled after International APA Standard (American Psychological Association (APA) Style), submitted separately repeating the reference in national language regardless of foreign sources. If List 1 include foreign sources, they should be completely repeated in List 2. 

Reference List is followed with the next information:

Title of article; іnitials and and author’s name, affiliation of author (authors), institute’s address, author’s e-mail. 

The  data of paper’s submission to the Journal’s Editorial Board (is mandatory).

Papers not meeting the above mentioned demands will be declined .



Editorial board



2022: Issue 14(30) 

2021: Issue 13(29) 

2020: Issue 12(28) 

2019:  Issue 11(27) 

2018:  Issue 10(26)

2017:  Issue 9(25)

2016: Issue 8(24)

2015:Issue 7(23)

2014: Issue 6(22)

2013:Issue 5(21)

2012:Issue  4(20)