Mariya Pirko, PhD, Researcher in Department of Scientific Bibliography of Vasyl Stefanyk National Scientific Library of Ukraine in Lviv
Scientific content of the “Chronicle of Shevchenko Scientific Society” edition as a source for the history of the society (1900–1914)
In the article the author focused on the informational potential of the “Chronicle of Shevchenko Scientific Society” edition as a source for the history of the society against the background of social and political processes in the prewar period. The study of the structural features made it possible to identify and distinguish conditional groups of publications with information on the scientific activity of the members of the institution in 1900–1914: articles by full members of the Shevchenko Scientific Society (NTSh); information about the institution’s scientific activities and relations with other scientific and cultural centers; registration of printed publications; biographical information.
The author characterized their information content in them and provided a number of example. It is noted that the main vectors of the institution’s scientific work were: meetings of sections and commissions, delivering reports, publishing articles, participating in international congresses and scientific research expeditions. Some of the publications highlight the scientific interests of Ukrainian scientists (history, archeography, ethnography, folkloristics, geography, literary studies, biographical studies), dimensions of cooperation of Galician and Dnieper scientists in the prewar period, organizational connection with institutions abroad and active participation its members in the international scientific life, which were also a guarantee of the successful development and prosperity of Ukrainianism, the representation of Ukrainian national science on the world stage.
Elucidated that the materials of this printed issue for the modern scientists are an indispensable source for the reconstruction of the topic of the Ukrainian book, highlighting the development of librarianship and bibliography, supplementing Ukrainian biography with valuable information about the life and creative path of outstanding Ukrainian and foreign scientists, and in general for analyzing the development of our science, in particular, humanities on beginning of the 20th century.
Keywords: Shevchenko Scientific Society, “Chronicle of NTSh”, scientific content, humanities, Galician and Dnieper scientists, research expeditions, biobibliography.
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