Galyna Melnyk-Khokha, Scientific Researcher in Department of Library Science of Vasyl Stefanyk National Scientific Library of Ukraine in Lviv
Valentyna Mudrokha, Candidate of Sciences in Social Communications, Senior researcher, Head of the Department of Library Science of Vasyl Stefanyk National Scientific Library of Ukraine in Lviv
E-environment of Vasyl Stefanyk National Scientific Library of Ukraine in Lviv: implementation of modern requests of science and education
This article aims to highlight the structure of the Library’s electronic environment and its role in the implementation of modern scientific and educational requests of researchers. The main objective of the presented research is to conduct an in-depth study of the features of the Library’s electronic environment and its modernization, considering the latest demands of science and education. The scientific novelty consists in the comprehensive analysis of the electronic environment of the scientific library and the determination of the place and role of electronic and digital resources in satisfying the scientific requests of users. In the actual developmental phase of the library, two critical priorities have emerged. Firstly, implementation of the latest information technologies in library activities, fostering not only the introduction of new service provisions but also facilitating the representation of domestic information resources into the world scientific e-environment. The formation of the e-environment will allow to organize open and effective access to a wide range of researchers to the Library’s unique digital collections. Along with that, the creation and preservation of insurance copies will provide an opportunity to reproduce unique and rare documents from Vasyl Stefanyk National Scientific Library of Ukraine in Lviv in the event of their destruction. This task is especially relevant during russian aggression in conditions of constant missile fire. The research methodology involves a broad analysis of the structure of the library’s electronic environment, an assessment of the implementation of modern scientific and educational requests of researchers.
Keywords: electronic environment, information technologies, library collection, digital library, online services, research databases.
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