Liubov Kuzhel, Scientific Researcher in Department of Scientific Bibliography of Vasyl Stefanyk National Scientific Library of Ukraine in Lviv
“Ethnographic collection” of the Shevchenko Scientific Society (1895–1928): European resonance
The article examines and analyzes publications and reviews dedicated to “Ethnographic Collection”, the publication of the Ethnographic Commission of the Shevchenko Scientific Society in Lviv, published in European journals focused on the field of Humanities at the end of the 19th – beginning of the 20th centuries. The publications were included mainly in the following magazines: “Kievskaya starina”, “Lud”, “Kwartalnik historyczny”, “Wisła”, “Národopisný sborník Českoslovanský”, “Zeitschrift des Vereins für Volkskunde”, “Archiv für slavische Philologie”, “Zeitschrift für österreichische Volkskunde”, “Český lid”, etc. Contacts between Ukrainian and European academics have been studied. The names of famous historians, literary experts, folklorists, Slavists who wrote publications devoted to “Ethnographic Collection” have been mentioned. The reviews were mostly positive with minor criticism of the theoretical and methodological model of ethnographic and folkloristic research. They noted the importance of ethnographic research conducted by the members of the Ethnographic Commission and emphasized their significance for the academic community. The authors of the reviews of “Ethnographic Collection”, published in European academic periodicals, noted the connections of the members of the Ethnographic Commission with other European academics at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th centuries, which were characterized by cooperation and mutual acceptance. The epistolary heritage of the European academics’ reviews of “Ethnographic Collection” plays an important role as it testifies to various methods of cooperation among academics and to friendly, professional relations.
Thanks to active international cooperation, Ukrainian ethnographic science borrowed the experience of European science, and later, having achieved certain results, offered the world its scientific output, represented by source studies and theoretical works of “Ethnographic Collection”. Ukrainian academics F. Vovk, M. Hrushevskyi, I. Franko, V. Hnatiuk, Z. Kuzelia, F. Kolessa, Ya. Pasternak have reached the Europen level in their research, as evidenced by their election as members of ethnographic, folkloristic, and anthropological societies in Paris, Vienna, Berlin, Prague, Helsinki, St. Petersburg. Famous foreign academics-ethnographers Oleksandr Brückner, Olaf Brock, Frantiszek Pastrnek, Frantiszek Pospishil, Jirji Polivka, Jirji Horak, Vatroslav Yagich, Raimund Kaindl and others became active members of the Shevchenko Scientific Society.
Keywords: Shevchenko Scientific Society, Ethnographic Commission of the Shevchenko Scientific Society (1898–1939), “Ethnographic Collection”, reviews.
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