Українська English

Sophiia Kohut, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Researcher in Depart­ment of Scientific Bibliography of Vasyl Stefanyk National Scientific Library of Ukraine in Lviv

Intellectual presentation, authorities and guidelines: about one Slavic page from the interwar history of Shevchenko Scientific Society


The article examines volume 155 of the Notes of the Shevchenko Scientific Society: “Proceedings of the Philological Section” (1937) edited by V. Simo­vych. It was based on the materials of the revues of members of Shevchenko Scientific Society who participated in the II International Congress of Slavists in 1934 in Warsaw. A brief history of Slavic congresses, the history of the II In­ternational Congress and the participation of Ukrainian scientists-representa­tives of Shevchenko Scientific Society are presented, reviews and reports about the congress, as well as reviews of publications, are analyzed. On this basis, an attempt to recreate the contemporary panorama of Ukrainian Slavic studies in particular, and the situation in Ukrainian science in the interwar period in general, trace the level of integration of Ukrainian philologists of the interwar period into the general European intellectual environment was made. It was important for Ukrainian scientists also to feel part of this community. Experiencing the living direct context of scientific life, at the level of personal contacts with Slavic scientists, speaking in this environment in their own language were very valuable.

Another complex and ambiguous trend, which can be clearly read, in particular, in the reviews of the publication, is the sharp confrontation-competition between the younger and older generations. This testified to a very high degree of social tension, to the search for support and authorities in the midst of historical and social chaos, as well as the search for a new direction of development.

Keywords: II International Congress of Slavists, Slavic studies, “Notes of the Shevchenko Scientific Society”, “Proceedings of the Philological Section”, V. Simovych, S. Smal-Stotskyi, Y. Rudnytskyi, E. Y. Pelenskyi, M. And­rusiak, Y. Shemlei.

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