Luiza Ilnytska, Senior Scientific Researcher in Department of Scientific Bibliography of Vasyl Stefanyk National Scientific Library of Ukraine in Lviv
Editorial policy of Mykhailo Hrushevskyi in the “Papers of the Schevchenko Scientific Society”: modern interpretations
We highlight the main principles of Mykhailo Hrushevskyi’s activity as the editor of “Papers of the Schevchenko Scientific Society” during 1895–1913, derived from a thorough analysis of the structure and content of the volumes he was involved (vol. 5–116). It is noted that such principles were determined by the aspirations of M. Hrushevskyi, as the Head of the Schevchenko Scientific Society, to establish the status of the Society as the first national academy. We review the works of modern researchers: L. Vynar, Z. Zaytseva, Y. Dashkevych, I. Hyrych, Y. Hrytsak, T. Patsai, E. Pshenychnyi, which are directly related to the scientific and managerial work of M. Hrushevskyi in the “Papers of the Schevchenko Scientific Society” and highlight thoroughly certain areas of his editorial policy. Publications of the mutual correspondence between M. Hrushevskyi and M. Korduba, as well as the letters from Z. Kuzelia to M. Hrushevskyi, are used, which show some interesting facts about the examples of editorial policy and specific actions by him as the editor. The conclusions of the researchers about the decisive role of M. Hrushevskyi in the measures aimed at the academicization of the “Papers of the Schevchenko Scientific Society” were confirmed. Among them are the focus on publications directly related to Ukraine and engament of prominent Ukrainian scientists from Trans-Dnieper Ukraine and Galicia in the publications. These actions contributed to narrowing the gap between cultural figures separated by political and regional borders. M. Hrushevskyi tried to integrate the Schevchenko Scientific Society into the European scientific context through the involvement of European scientists in its basic publication. A range of changes in the publication policies of the “Papers of the Schevchenko Scientific Society”, that took place under the editorship of M. Hrushevskyi, are analyzed. These are: ensuring the periodicity of the publications, optimization of their structure, enriching the content of the volumes with publications of a high scientific level and with analytic reviews of the recent achievements of European science. All these measures ensured wide recognition of the publications in the European scientific world. We also discuss the character of M. Hrushevskyi, as an uneasy person and an exceptional personality, which led to a conflict in the Schevchenko Scientific Society in 1913 and to his resignationas as the Chairman of the society and as the editor of the “Papers of the Schevchenko Scientific Society”.
Keywords: Schevchenko Scientific Society in Lviv, editorial policy, Mykhailo Hrushevskyi, Ivan Franko, The First National academy of sciences, Hrushevskyi studies, European academic world.
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