Roman Holii, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Researcher in Department of Scientific Research of Special Kinds of Documents of the Research Institute for Art Library Resources of Vasyl Stefanyk National Scientific Library of Ukraine in Lviv
Тhe seals of rural communities of Bircha district, 1876 (from the fund of Vasyl Stefanyk National Scientific Library of Ukraine in Lviv)
The article describes the 52 seals of rural communities of the Bircha district, which were placed on the document of 1876. The document concerns the transfer of the district center from Bircha to Dobromil.
The methods of diplomacy, archeography and epigraphy were used during the description of the seals. The description of the seals includes the following components: number in the list of communities on the document, name of the community, shape of the seal, its dimensions, material, colour, design, legend, type, carving and notes.
The article describes the document and sphragistics analysis of village seals. Special attention is paid to the dating of the seal matrix, the typology of the seals, and the style of the author’s execution.
The seals with counter-relief are usually older than rubber seals with convex relief. The with counter-relief were made no later than the middle of the 19th century, and some could be made at the end of the 18th century. Mostly, those seals belong to the emblematic type. Some counter-relief seals belong to other types: heraldic seal and seal with a device. The seals with counter- relief have several author’s styles. This indicates that those seals were made by different carvers.
Rubber seals (with convex relief) appeared in Galicia around the middle of the 19th century. At that time, the seals of rural communities became the same type and very stationery. The letters took on a clear, symmetrical appearance, and the images were not emblems. Rubber stamps belong to the arbitrary type. Moreover, the decoration on all seals is the same – a flower with two leaves. Rubber seals are made according to the same pattern and have lost their individual features.
Keywords: sphragistics (sigillography), village seals, seals of Galicia, description of seals, Bircha district.
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