Roman Dziuban, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Senior Scientific Researcher in Manuscript Department of Vasyl Stefanyk National Scientific Library of Ukraine in Lviv
Letter of ethnologist Hryhorii Ilkevych to the publisher of “Lwowianin” Ludwik Zelinskyi (from the funds of the Manuscript Department of Vasyl Stefanyk National Scientific Library of Ukraine in Lviv)
The epistolary of the author (person) in source studies, in particular in biography, occupies an exceptional place, especially in cases where almost no other biographical documents about this person have survived. The purpose and task of this publication was to introduce into scientific circulation and analyze the letter of the little-known collector of folk art Hryhorii Ilkevych (October 13, 1803 – 1841) to the publisher of the first local history magazine in Galicia “Lwovianin” Ludwik Zelinskyi. At the time of writing the letter on October 15, 1837, Hryhorii (pseud. Myroslav) Ilkevych had already been teaching for the second year at the Horodenka trivial school, which then belonged to the Kolomyia district, having moved to his family town from Kolomyia. Kolomyia was the period of his most active activity in 1824–1835, where, under the influence of the director of the main district school Mykola Vereshchynskyi, he collected the main amount of ethnographic materials. The active representative of the so-called “Ruska Triitsia” Yakiv Holovatskyi recalled that his acquaintance with H. Ilkevych took place in Kolomyia in 1833. At the same time, Ilkevych introduced Holovatskyi to Vereshchynskyi. Holovatskyi learned about Ilkevych as a collector of folklore and ethnographic materials while in Lviv. We do not know whether the former trivial school teacher Hryhorii Ilkevych and Ludwik Zelinskyi (1808–1873) ever met in person. It is very likely that they have never met. The letter of H. Ilkevych to L. Zelinskyi is analyzed according to the thematic and biographical principle, which highlights the creative interests of both correspondents. We hope that the presented autograph letter will be useful for researchers of the life and work of the founders of the Galician-Ukrainian revival and Polish-Ukrainian relations of the so-called era “Galician romanticism”.
Keywords: Hryhorii Ilkevych, Ludvik Zelinskyi, Jan Nepomutsen Kaminskyi, Mykhailo Vereshchynskyi, Vatslav Zaleskyi, ethnographer, autograph, letter.
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