Українська English

Mariya Pirko, PhD, Researcher in Department of Scientific Bibliography, Vasyl Stefanyk National Scientific Library of Ukraine in Lviv

Shevchenko Scientific Society and Theological Scientific Society: dimen­sions of cooperation in the 20–30’s years of the XXth century



In article the author analyzed the scientific and publishing cooperation of members of the Shevchenko Scientific Society and the Theological Scientific Society in the 20–30’s years of the XX century based on the printed issues of these institutions. The main areas of consolidation of the work of Galician scientists were scientific meetings of societies and meetings of sections, at which, in the form of reports, researchers exchanged their opinions and discussed urgent problems of Ukrainian science and society in general. Members of NTSh & BNT were active in international scientific congresses and maintained relations with researchers from other countries.

The appearance of printed editions of the Shevchenko Scientific Society and the Theological Scientific Society were determined by the social and political situation in Galicia. This issues are demonstrate that the most effective and rational form of organization of Ukrainian science in the period between the two world wars was the activity of public scientific centers and institutions of the Greek Catholic Church.

The periodical and book scientific literature of these institutions contains thorough research by theologians, historians, literary critics, linguists, public and cultural figures of the older and younger generations, supplemented by a chronicle of events and illustrative material. These editions were professional, thorough and necessary, so they were often discussed by critics. At the same time, these printed issues emphasize the significance of the Shevchenko Scientific Society and the Theological Scientific Society, which consists in the formation of a national community of scientists, initiators of socio-political and cultural renewal of Ukraine, creators of new scientific, scientific-practical and cultural-educational institutions. Most of these publications presented the principles of the societies’ activities, defined their role and place in the contemporary social and cultural life, and were also a guarantee of the successful development and prosperity of Ukrainianism, the representation of national science on the world stage.

The printed editions aroused the interest of scientists and a wide range of intellectuals – secular and spiritual, as evidenced by numerous reviews of it in the press and Academic evenings – scientific lectures in 1934–1938 with the aim of spreading and consolidating the Catholic worldview among a wide range of Ukrainian intelligentsia, which were initiated by the Theological Scientific Society in the 1930’s years.

KeywordsShevchenko Scientific Society, Theological Scientific Society, “Chronicle of NTSh”, trimonthly journal “Theology”, book serie “Procee­dings of Theological Scientific Society”, religious scientific literature, Uk­rainian science.

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