Українська English

Roman Dziuban, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Senior Research Fellow, Manuscript Department, Vasyl Stefanyk National Scientific Library of Ukraine in Lviv

Letters of art explorer Vasyl Putsko to priest Volodymyr Jarema (1973–1994) (from the funds of the Manuscript Department of Vasyl Stefanyk National Scientific Library of Ukraine in Lviv)



Activation of attention to the epistolary heritage of Ukrainian cultural fi­gures is relevant nowadays as one of the most important narrative and documentary sources. In particular, the problem of publishing the author’s epistolary in source studies, in particular in biography, occupies an exceptional place. The purpose and task of this publication was to present the letters of one of the most prominent Ukrainian art critics, Vasyl Putsko (Born in 1941), to Fr. Volodymyr Yarema (1915–2000), who, having lived the lion’s share of his life outside Ukraine, still made a significant contribution to the development of national science. Letters of V. Putskо to Fr. V. Yaremy (in monasticism – Dymytrii), pastor of the church of St. Peter and Paul in Lviv, a researcher of church art, later a church figure, the patriarch of Kyiv and all Ukraine of the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church is an important source for studying the formation of national art history. Against the background of the biography of V. Putsk, the subject of his art history interests is analyzed. A bibliography of his main works for the years 1977–2021 has been compiled.

KeywordsVasyl Putsko, Fr. Volodymyr Yarema, art critic, icon, letters.

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