Українська English

Oksana Bereza, Head of the sector of formation and cataloging of foreign language publications of the 19th – mid-20th centuries department of Euro­pean books of the 19th–20th centuries, Vasyl Stefanyk National Scientific Lib­rary of Ukraine in Lviv

Chyrów Jesuit College and its library (on the example of the fund of the department of European books of the 19th–20th centuries of Vasyl Stefa­nyk National Scientific Library of Ukraine in Lviv)



The Chyrów educational institution of the Jesuit fathers, founded in 1886, was an institution of great importance for the education of elites at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. In terms of scientific and general equipment, it was considered the best-equipped collegium in pre-war Galicia. Moreover, the equipment often exceeded the world standards of the time. Pupils of the Chyrów institution worked in various fields: government officials, politicians, diplomats, parliamentarians, soldiers, scientists, lawyers, artists, writers, clergy. Many famous Jesuits passed through him – theologians, magazine editors and persons who held high positions in the order. The article highlights the past pages of the Chyrów college, its development as an educational institution, which was a bright phenomenon in the history of education in Galicia in the 19th – mid-20th centuries. The formation of the Chyrów library at different stages of the institution’s existence is analyzed, the characteristic features of the Chyrów collection are indicated, and the printed editions discovered from the book collection of the Chyrów College of Jesuit Fathers, stored in the fund of the Department of European Books of the Vasyl Stefanyk National Scientific Library of Ukraine in Lviv. The study of the Chyrów collection includes the ge­neral characteristics of the institutional library, the analysis of the book array, the development of typology, and the clarification of the type and content. In the process of working on the article, we created a scientific and bibliographic description of Chyrów prints and introduced them into the modern scientific and informational space. Special attention was paid to the processing of book marks contained on the publications and indicating that the publications belong to the library of the Chyrów College, the artistic printed bookplate was described, and the owner’s inscriptions on the examined copies were deciphered. It is characteristic of the books from the Chyrów collection that they contain numerous notes in the margins, which testifies to the scrupulous study of educational and fiction literature by high school students. Thus, the editions of the Chyrów library were examined from the standpoint of historical- bibliographical and historical-biographical analysis, interesting examples of the book heritage of the educational institution of the Jesuit fathers were investigated, which is an important direction of studying and revealing the historical and cultural funds of libraries as a significant component of the national cultural heritage.

Keywords: Chyrów, Jesuits, college, dormitory, library, provenance, lib­rary fund.

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