Українська English


Oksana Sereda



The importance and relevance of biographical research of the Ukrainian press figures, due to which it is possible to retrieve numerous little-known or forgotten unique names of Ukrainian culture, have been revealed. The journalistic work of the doctor, public and cultural figure, editor, publisher and photographer Stephan Dmokhovsky in the 1920s and 1930s has been analyzed. His participation in the establishment and functioning of a number of Ukrainian press publications in Galicia during this period has been elucidated. The Dmokhovsky’s figure as an editor, publisher and journalist has not yet been the subject of a separate study and has been explored only in pieces. Biographical information about him has been supplemented, Dmokhovsky’s active participation in the social and political life of interwar Galicia has been illuminated. His significant contribution to the development of the Ukrainian sports and amateur movement upon the West Ukrainian lands has been highligh ted. Forty-six of Dmokhovsky’s articles in the Ukrainian press of Galicia in the interwar period have been introduced for scientific use. The typology of Dmokhovsky’s articles on the thematic basis has been accomplished. The most pressing topics for Dmokhovsky were the interwar socio-political life in Galicia, development and Ukrainian youth patriotic education, Ukrainian sports achievements, photography, local cultural life, efficient management and peasantry education. The reviewed publications attest to Dmokhovsky’s high erudition and brilliant journalistic skill. He was able to write in an accessible and witty way on professional economic and artistic topics, therefore these articles deserve attention of contemporary media press researchers and historians. The need for a separate thorough study of journalistic achievements of Dmokhovsky’s emigre period as well as scholarly study of his personal archive stored in the Ukrainian Museum-Archive in Cleveland have been accentuated.
Keywords:  Stephan Dmokhovsky, journalist, press, article, Galicia, Ukrainianness.
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