Українська English


Maria Protsyk-Kulchytska



This article makes an attempt to explore the biography of the artist Yulian Pankevych, a co-creator of the Ukrainian press, ublicist, writer, illustrator.
We paid a particular attention to the facts of his cooperation with periodicals. Additionally, we prepared a bibliographical list of publications penned by Y. Pankevych in the press. Our study reveals here that in 1890 he applied without success to occupy a post of illustrator in the Ukrainian magazine Zorya in Lviv. In 1905 Pankevych became the designer of the first Ukrainian art magazine Artystychnyy Vistnyk, subsequently he became a regular contributor to it.
Here we analyzed the most important journalistic publications of Yulian Pankevych, specifically, the article «О що-жь властиво ходить?» [«What is it about?»] (published in Dilo newspaper) comparing the trends in the development of religious painting in Ukraine and abroad. The aforementioned Pankevych’article also justified the need to provide icon painting in Ukraine national features.
In addition, we studied the Rohatyn period of Yulian Pankevych’s work. As our article shows it had important relation to his constant collaboration with the magazine Rohatynets (1923–1924). This periodical featured Pankevych’s articles on literary and public life as well as poetry – all publications were signed under the pseudonym Prosten Dobromysl.
Moreover, we elucidated here the activity of Pankevych in the field of book graphics as well as reception and evaluation of the artist’s works in this field by his contemporaries.
The results of our article prove that Pankevych’s extraordinary talent was most manifested in the field of church painting and book graphics, but his legacy as a writer and publicist is also valuable and noteworthy.
Keywords:  Yulian Pankevych, artist, illustrator, newspaper, magazine, publication.

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