Mykhaliuk Malvina
The newspaper Ridny Krai (Lviv, 1920–1923) is of interest to researchers as the periodical heritage as well as an object for research of the journal, thematic content, author’s composition. The article is about the journal Ridny Krai. published in Lviv during 1920–1923, a special copy of which is stored in the collection of the Lviv National Scientific Library named after V. Stefanyk.
The author conducted research on the search, grouping and analysis of topics, problems and the author’s composition of the journal. To achieve this goal, all issues of the journal under study were carefully processed, the columns were grouped and the available material was analyzed. An analysis of the topics most frequently covered by the magazine was made, information about the most active authors of the magazine was found and presented, and their journalistic materials were processed.
The magazine acquainted its readers with the life of Ukrainians not only in ethnic territories, but also abroad. Therefore, there are columns that cover events in Belarus, Romania, Georgia, France, Austria, the Crimean Republic. Among the contributors we find both the names of very famous journalists, such as M. Yatskiv, N. Hnatyuk, S. Tverdokhlib, S. Kurulishvili, and lesser-known correspondents, contributors, who often hid their real names under pseudonyms, they made the magazine popular among popular masses, the magazine was widely popular among the population of Galicia. These columns were processed, grouped and found authors who are most often published in the journal.
If we take into account the content of the journal, then the most informative for our study of the column. The newspaper is sufficiently structured, headings were constant or variable. Headings could also be distinguished by territorial criteria. In particular, these are columns in which readers were acquainted with the life of Ukrainians in ethnic territories or emigration: «News from Volyn», «News from Greater Ukraine», «From Belarusian life», «From occupied Georgia» and others. Each issue of the publication began with current news in Ukraine or the world. Special attention was also paid to the authors and contributors to the magazine. Many articles, posts, notes are signed by little-known authors; authors who hid under pseudonyms and cryptonyms; famous publicists.
The found material is of great value for researchers who would like to look at the journal not from a political perspective, but in terms of the value of the content of the journal, which covers a huge number of topics and issues of the period. The prospect of further research is the development of other journals, the disclosure of their content, coverage of issues, finding new publicists hidden under pseudonyms.
Keywords: Ridny Krai, professional activity, journalism, magazine, topics, rubrics, authors, problems.
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