Українська English


Olga Katola



The article examines the epistolary of editors and publishers of the Ukrainian press addressed to Metropolitan Andrei Sheptytskyi. In this context, his collaboration with periodicals is highlighted. The content of the letters addressed to the hierarch is revealed, in particular the problems raised in these texts. It is found that its authors appreciated the high status of the Metropolitan in Galician society and his potential and respected him as an outstanding person, and therefore asked him as a moral authority for solving pressing problems and support, including financial, in their activities. The specific reasons for the appeal to Metropolitan Andrei of many persons involved in the development of the press publishing process are analyzed: reports on the release of newspapers and magazines and requests for publication; invitations to write articles for periodicals; entreaty for financial support from publishers of the Catholic press and other publications, warnings and complaints; gratitude; clarifications on some publications in the press that cover religious issues; problems of development of Ukrainian periodicals ab road. The emphasis is made on the significant contribution of Metropolitan Andrei to the development of the national press, due to his understanding of the importance of the role of the press in establishing religiosity and spirituality in Ukrainian society, cultivating national self-respect, the needs of civilized life. This paper focuses on the most characteristic correspondence of editors, publishers and journalists of press publications with Metropolitan Andrei.
Keywords: epistolary, Metropolitan Andrei Sheptytskyi, Ukrainian press, journalist, editor, publisher.

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