Українська English


Anastasiia Chubrei



The level of the publishing policy for the theatrical repertoire of the professional and amateur theatres according to the points of view of the authors of the Galycia press of the internal period of the theatrical, socio-politicaland other directions is found, the value of the Ukrainian theater in the context of the socio-political situation in the Eastern Galycia and ideological views of the certain edition or appendix is in vestigated. According to the analysis of the messages devoted to the existing theatrical repertoire on the publisher’s market the precedence of the quantity (meaning that the providing of the repertoire for the professional and amateur theatres was sufficient) is established. The reflections upon the quality index were defined by the editor’s policy and the opinions on the meaning of the theatre. Either important was the attitude in the discussion on the implementation of the achievements of the European drama or the further domination of the folklore genres which were often used during the previous periods of the development of the Ukrainian theatre. It was established according to the editions, which were published in the beginning, during and in the end of the interwar twenties of the XXth century.
Keywords:  history of publishing, theater, Galycia, interwar period, publishers, repertoire.

Full text

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(in Ukr.).