Українська English


Stakhiv Mariia

The interactive e-textbooks in Ukraine: typological problems


The article deals with the problems of term functioning and classification in the field of electronic educational publications (electronic textbooks) in the Ukrainian publishing market. It analyses the main features of the standards in the field of electronic book publishing, as well as basic principles of its creation. The problems of creating electronic textbooks have been highlighted. Prospects for further research and a possibility of terms’ usage from the publishing business have been described. Previously, this term was understood as a device enabling reading, but at present an e-book is a content that requires playback by individual devices. The problems of creating interactive electronic publications, including the lack of skills of publishers and a high cost of software for such publications’ layout have been explored. This issue can be resolved either in concluding agreements with foreign partners,or in creating their own technological platforms. Summarizing our analysis, we can conclude that standards in the field of electronic publications should be updated at least once every five years. Ukraine needs not only well-designed standards, but also a respect for copyright and a protection of intellectual property. A lack of control, unified typological classification and certification of such publications can result in springing up electronic publications of improper quality. Respectively, they can harm users. Sometimes publishers can not clearly identify which electronic product they have made. The problem can be solved only at the national level, with the help of regulations and a creation of a regulative institution. The latter should be responsible for standardization and certification of e-learning publications and their quality characteristics. The prospects for standardization of electronic publications have been determined.

Keywords: e-learning edition, e-textbook, interactive textbook, multi media content, standard, typology, problems.

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