Snitsarchuk Lidiya
Journalistic work of Oleksandr Kovalevskyi in 1910—1939
The paper studies the main aspects of creative work of Oleksandr Kovalevskyi (1890-1940?), a journalist, public and political figure, cooperative movement’s activist. Archival documents, particularly correspondence with Volodymyr Koroliv-Staryi, M.Yeremijiv, V. Pisniachevskyi, A.Nikovskyi revealed numerous facts about his cooperation with periodicals. The author of the article estimates his judgements on journalism, its role and tasks as well as the features of regional press as notably actual. The author analyses the way Kovalevskyi treated periodicals’ content, way of providing discussions in press, and how to illuminate the key issues of the day. The autobiographical component is being prized as the main feature of Kovalevskyi’ publications. His writings on social and political topics were enriched with bygone parallels illustrating his political views’ transformation, his established feelings on certain life conflicts. The past was strongly incorporated into his memory.
The author found out that journalistic heritage of Oleksandr Kovalevsky had never been accumulated and analyzed, especially his journalistic skills and features of texts architectonics etc. A complex study of journalist’s activity, especially his talent after observing problems that persecuted the Ukrainians to single out the main one and explainit in details, would help future journalists in forming their professional skills and restoring historical events. Besides, it would assist deep understanding of current social and political processes and upheavals.
Keywords: Oleksandr Kovalevskyi, journalism, editor, publicist, Ukrainian press.
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