Haladzhun Zoriana
The press of Ukraine in the minority languages
Social and political processes taking place in the modern Ukrainian society are reflected, among other things, in the language of our mass media. The study of the language question is important not only due to the constant discourse regarding the status of the official language and the supposed number of official languages, but also as the subject matter of reflecting the national identity of the citizens of our state.
As of 2001, the population of Ukraine was estimated at 48, 2 million people, being representatives of 107 nationalities. Support and preservation of ethnic and cultural as well as linguistic consciousness of ethnic groups is an important goal of every multiethnic and multilingual country. Ukraine signed the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages on May 2, 1996 (hereafter — the Charter), ratified it in 2003, though it came into effect only since 2006. The introduction of the above mentioned document into the national legislation testifies respect and willingness to protect regional languages or minority languages. The provisions of the Charter are applicable not to all the minority languages of the national minorities living on the territory of Ukraine, but only to the following ones: Belarusian, Bulgarian, Gagauz, Greek, Jewish, Crimean Tatar, Moldavian, German, Polish, Russian, Romanian, Slovak and Hungarian.
According to quantitative linguistic analysis of printed periodical publications that are published in the languages of national minorities and come under protection, only the ethnic Poles (1,07 of publications per one ethnic group representative that considers the language of his/her nationality to be his/her mother tongue) and the Hungarians (5,94) may be regarded as well provided for; the Romanians (0,08) and the Russians (0,03) are partially provided.
Keywords: periodicals, journalism, mass media, media space, propaganda, agitation, party press.
1. Yevropeiska Khartiia rehionalnykh mov abo mov menshyn [European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages]. Retrieved from (in Ukr.).
2. Zakon Ukrainy «Pro zabezpechennia funktsionuvannia ukrainskoi movy yak derzhavnoi» [Law of Ukraine «On Ensuring the Functioning of the Ukrainian Language as State»]. Retrieved from (in Ukr.).
3. Zakon Ukrainy «Pro ratyfikatsiiu Yevropeiskoi Khartii rehionalnykh mov abo mov menshyn» [Law of Ukraine “On ratification of the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages”]. Retrieved from (in Ukr.).
4. Rozpodil naselennia za natsionalnistiu ta ridnoiu movoiu [Population distribution by nationality and mother tongue]. Retrieved from (in Ukr.).
5. Savoiska S. V. Rol i znachennia movno-komunikatyvnoi polityky ta politychnoi kultury u rozvytku ukrainskoho polikulturnoho suspilstva [The role and importance of language-communicative politics and political culture in the development of Ukrainian multicultural society], Polityka i dukhovnist v umovakh hlobalnykh vyklykiv. Retrieved from (in Ukr.).
6. Statystychni dani pro vypusk drukovanykh ZMI v 2017 rotsi [Release statistics for print media in 2017]. Retrieved from (in Ukr.).
7. Statystychni dani pro vypusk drukovanykh ZMI stanom na 1 pivrichchia 2016 [Release statistics for print media as of 1H 2016]. Retrieved from (in Ukr.).
8. Statystychni dani pro vypusk drukovanykh ZMI u 1 pivrichchi 2018 roku [Release statistics for the print media in the 1st half of 2018]. Retrieved from (in Ukr.).
9. Statystychni dani pro vypusk drukovanykh ZMI u 1 pivrichchi 2019 roku [Release statistics for print media in the 1st half of 2019]. Retrieved from (in Ukr.).
10. Tretia periodychna dopovid Ukrainy pro vykonannia Yevropeskoi Khartii rehionalnykh mov abo mov menshyn [Third periodic report of Ukraine on
the implementation of the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages]. Retrieved from (in Ukr.).