Datsyshyn Khrystyna
Oral speech in the professor Oleksandra Serbenska’s scientific concept
The article analyzes the concept of oral speech, set out in the works of Ukrainian linguist Oleksandra Serbenska. Emphasizing the primacy of oral speech, professor O. Serbenska analyzes the live word in the context of socio-ecology, language culture, communication and linguophilosophy. She explores the sources of melodiousness of the Ukrainian language, studies the phenomenon of voice. Serbenska emphasizes an importance of preserving and nurturing authentic Ukrainian oral speech as a spirit of the people, its history and culture.
The scholar tries to find origins of various phenomena of spiritual life of the people and an individual in the oral speech. Serbenska’s works attract attention by their motifs to outline sound speech as a phenomenon, to immerse themselves in music that conveys us tone and rhythm of the spoken word from ancient generations.
The connection between oral speech and music, between oral and print text reveals the deep essence of orality. It serves as a special way of reproducing and creating a world where tones and rhythms sound in unison with sounds and rhythms of nature and man. Orality in the Ukrainian language is immersed in the song. The melody of the Ukrainian spoken word enables to speak of melodiousness as one of its key characteristics. An instrument of oral speech is a voice. It has a mystical essence in an interpretation of many cultures; its strength is filled with deep spirituality, its tones and intonations open wide opportunities for communication in various fields, including a professional practice of journalists. O. Serbenska’s ideas give an impetus for further scientific research in this field.
Keywords: Ukrainian language, oral speech, orality, melody, sound, voice, journalism.
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