Українська English


Ohar Emiliya

The publicism of Kostiantyn Rodyk in the context of contemporary book journalism


The paper seeks to develop new avenues for a study of book journalism. Specifically, it deals with a problem of institutionalization of book journalism as a self-sufficient thematic direction in contemporary cultural journalism. More specifically, the article aims to explore a publicism of Kostiantyn Rodyk, the well-known Ukrainian cultural journalist formerly a book journalist. He is the former editor-in-chief of one of the most professional specialized magazine Knyzhnyk-Review (2000―2007s), the television and radio presenter, the founder and top manager of the annual National book rating Knyzhka Roku, columnist of the newspapers Den’ and Ukraina Moloda, author of the book series Ukrainian Best. Knyzhka Roku, some non-fiction books Actualna Literatura and Sizif XX. Knyzhka vs. polityka. The latter feature numerous essays dealing with actual publishing and literary process in Ukraine. We show that combined in one book; it created continuous nonfiction (publicist) meta-narrative or nonfiction (publicist) meta-text. The latter makes it possible to distinguish the most specific features of quality book journalism.

The paper attempts to define concepts of the «book publicism» and «book journalism», highlight differences between book journalism and literary-critical journalism. The author proposes to consider book publicism as a generalized phenomenon uniting both texts and the process of their creation. On the contrary, we argue that book journalism is one of the possible mediatized practices. It is a discourse that implies both the creation and the public reflection on the products of journalistic activity. In the course of the textual analysis of publicism works of Kostiantyn Rodyk, we have identified essential features of his book, non-fiction criticism. Those were: a broad subject (so-called «book culture»); socio-communicative approach to comprehension of literary and publishing artifacts; multi-functionality (informing about new books and literary works by the Ukrainian and foreign authors as well as publishing houses; criticism; creating culture; worldview, aesthetic and artistic tastes shaping and so on); hypertextuality and cross-mediality; preference given to genres such as essay and review; masterful use of expressive stylistics and linguistic means of popularization of knowledge. We conclude that such specific features can be considered as criteria for quality book journalism, a benchmark for mastering creative writing about the «world of books».

Key words: publicism, book journalism, literary criticism, Kostiantyn Rodyk, literary and publishing process, essay.

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