Українська English

Tymoshyk Mykola

Mission, credo and ethics of a Ukrainian journalist in a foreign country: a lesson for modern national media (according to diaspora press materials of the postwar period)

Abstract: The first attempt to comprehensively explore the problems connected with the purpose, tasks and moral principles of the activities of foreign Ukrainian journalists has been made. This study was introduced in the context of the protracted crisis of morality experienced by the contemporary national media. The reasons and consequences of the so-called «newspaper wars», which resulted in a weakening of the unity of Ukrainians in the diaspora and the frustration of strangers as for the ability of Ukrainians to resolve the prepressed «Ukrainian question» themselves have been clarified. Based on the analysis of the numerous publications, the credo of Ukrainian journalism in a foreign country has been distinguished and the scope of its tasks has been outlined.
Keywords: the press of foreign Ukrainians; mission, credo and ethics of Ukrainian journalism, crisis of journalism morality, newspaper wars, emigration, publicism, journalist’s call, journalist’s responsibility.

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