Українська English

Olha Tereshchuk
Research Fellow of the Research Institute for Press Studies
Vasyl Stefanyk National Scientific Library of Ukraine in Lviv
(Lviv, Ukraine)


Journalistic Activity of Opanas Shevchukevych in the Diary «Chas» (Chernivtsi, 1932–1939)

The article reveals the journalistic work of the Ukrainian doctor, sculptor, writer, bibliophile, public and cultural figure, publicist and correspondent of the Chernivtsi socio-political daily newspaper «Chas» Opanas Shevchukevych in the 30s of the twentieth century. The purpose of the article is to highlight the features of Opanas Shevchukevych’s journalistic work in the Chernivtsi daily «Chas» of the period, to find out the genre forms of his journalism, to outline their problematic and thematic directions. To achieve this goal, a number of tasks were performed: the publications of the author under study were identified and systematized, their problematic and thematic component and author’s style were analyzed. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that for the first time his personality as a journalist, which has not been the subject of a separate study, was systematically analyzed, the special features of O. Shevchukevych’s journalistic activity through the prism of the Chernivtsi daily «Chas» were identified, and a register of publications by him found on the pages of the newspaper, most of which were not in scientific circulation, was compiled. The article uses general scientific and special methods that made it possible to achieve the planned goal: press-clipping (highlighting the publications of the author under study in the declared press), analytical and descriptive (revealing the thematic and problematic priorities of the analyzed materials), bibliographic (compiling a register of the journalist’s publications for further analysis). It is summarized that the problematic and thematic range of his publications demonstrates a significant contribution to the popularization of the basics of medical knowledge, healthy lifestyle, as well as Ukrainian culture, in particular the theater and music movements in Chernivtsi in the interwar period, among the Ukrainian population of Bukovyna. It is found that Shevchukevych the reviewer is characterized by analyzing performances through a literary prism, while the ideological and ethical component is a priority. The author emphasizes the need for a separate in-depth study of O. Shevchukevych’s journalistic achievements of different periods.

Keywords: Opanas Shevchukevych, Chas newspaper, Chernivtsi, journalistic activity, article, review.

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