Zoriana Nakonechna
PhD in Social Communications, Senior Researcher of the Research Institute for Press Studies Vasyl Stefanyk National Scientific Library of Ukraine in Lviv
(Lviv, Ukraine)
Olha Katola
Research Fellow of the Research Institute for Press Studies
Vasyl Stefanyk National Scientific Library of Ukraine in Lviv
(Lviv, Ukraine)
Osyp Bodnarovych (1895–1944): little-known aspects of an editor and publicist’s Life
This study examines the editorial and journalistic contributions of Osyp Bodnarovych, a prominent figure in Ukrainian press and publishing in Lviv during the 1920s and 1940s. It also highlights previously overlooked aspects of his biography.
The purpose of the article is to document all periodicals O. Bodnarovych contributed to, identify his roles in each publication, and analyze the themes of his works.
To achieve this, several tasks were undertaken: reference sources and memoirs of individuals involved in the press and publishing process during the analyzed period were reviewed; a thorough study of the content of newspapers and magazines with which O. Bodnarovych might have collaborated was conducted; and dictionaries of pseudonyms and cryptonyms were examined to determine the ways he may have signed his works.
The historical, biographical, and analytical methods contributed to achieving the goal of the research.
The article is relevant because there are no comprehensive studies on the life and activities of O. Bodnarovych, only incidental mentions. The novelty of the article lies in the fact that, through thorough examination of sources, it has been possible not only to significantly supplement the biography of this remarkable individual but also to determine his contribution to the development of Ukrainian press publishing.
As a result of the research, it was found that O. Bodnarovych was the responsible editor of eleven periodicals (five of them, except for one page, duplicated the materials of «Ridnia Zemlia»), co-edited four more publications, and also worked on several calendars. His articles and translations from other languages were published in over 20 periodicals.
The topics of his publications included issues of Ukrainian student life, the state and development of schooling, socio-political events, as well as reviews of new books, periodicals, and theatrical performances.
Keywords: Osyp Bodnarovych, editor, publisher, publicist, periodical, publication, themes.
Full text
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