Українська English
Mariana Komarytsia
Dr. habil. in Philology, Senior Research Fellow,
Head of the Department of the Research Institute for Press Studies
Vasyl Stefanyk National Scientiffi c Library of Ukraine in Lviv
(Lviv, Ukraine)


Dialogue of Cultures and Emancipation:based on Publications from the Magazine «Zhinocha Dolia»

The aim of the article is to trace the multifaceted nature and specifics of how was presented the emancipation movement by the editors and authors of the journal «Zhinocha Dolia» (Women’s Fate, Kolomyia, 1925–1939). A comprehensive approach to the research object allows for the inclusion of individual facts into the historical retrospective and national context of various nations’ traditions. It also enables the study of the influence of historical, religious, and political factors, including the process of decolonization in countries such as Czechoslovakia, Turkey, Japan, China, Canada, the USA, India, and others. The research objective is to identify, systematize, and analyze the journal’s publications that introduced readers to broad geographic and cultural horizons as a window into the world of diverse national traditions and historical realities. The study also examines the societal response to women’s acquisition of voting rights, access to education, equal pay with men, and participation in various public associations and organizations. Research methods include analytical (content analysis), descriptive, historical, and comparative approaches. The novelty of the article is in its first-ever analysis of materials from the Kolomyian journal Zhinocha Dolia focused on of studying the systematic process of the emancipation movement in different countries around the world. The journal’s long publication period provides a chronological framework spanning a decade and a half. At the same time, its extensive geographic scope highlights various forms of women’s rights oppression in a historical and cultural context.

Conclusion: The analysis of the wide thematic, problematic, and geographical spectrum of the publications demonstrates the complexity of the issue of women’s equality, the need for its legislative enshrinement, taking into account the importance of historical, national, and religious traditions, and the necessity of exchanging experiences among women’s organizations of different nations.

Keywords: emancipation movement, Zhinocha Dolia, Olena Kysilevska, intercultural dialogue.

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