Українська English

Nadiia Brailian
Research Fellow of the Research Institute for Press Studies Vasyl Stefanyk National Scientific Library of Ukraine in Lviv
(Lviv, Ukraine)


«Emotional» pseudonyms of Ukrainian authors of the 19th–20th centuries

For the first time, the article analyzes the corpus of  «emotional» pseudonyms of Ukrainian authors of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, which are based on the names of emotions, psychological states, and character traits. The purpose of the article is to analyze and systematize this type of pseudonyms based on the materials of the book «Hidden Names: Dictionary of Pseudonyms of Ukrainian Authors of the XIX-XXI Centuries». To achieve this goal, systematic, analytical, descriptive, and quantitative methods were used. The following pseudonyms were selected and systematized in three groups: 1) pseudonyms that describe emotions and mood; 2) pseudonyms that characterize the state in which a person feels; 3) pseudonyms that emphasize character traits. It was found that each of the groups has pseudonyms of both «positive» and «negative» emotional coloration, formed from the corresponding feelings, states, and manifestations, and they were divided into subgroups. Among the pseudonyms based on character traits, a subgroup of «neutral» content is also identified. Quantitative correlations within and between the three groups are established.

The author analyzes the characteristic features of «emotional» pseudonyms, in particular, their inherent evaluative, characteristic and expressive functions; reveals the inherent high repetition of the same (or derived from the same root) pseudonyms by different authors. A quantitative analysis of these features is carried out; the ways of forming emotional pseudonyms are investigated.

The conclusions provide a quantitative and qualitative characterization of «emotional» pseudonyms, emphasizing that these pseudonyms emphasize the content component; their emotional intensity paints a portrait of the author’s personality, emphasizing his feelings, states, character traits; more precisely, the image of the author’s personality that he wanted to demonstrate by choosing a particular pseudonym.

Keywords: pseudonyms of Ukrainian authors, emotions, mood, psychological state, character traits.

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