Yuriy Bidzilya
Dr. habil. in Social Communications,
Dean of the Faculty of Philology
at the State Higher Education Institution «Uzhhorod National University» (Uzhhorod, Ukraine)
Nataliia Tolochko
PhD of Sciences in Social Communications,
Associate Professor of the Department of Journalism
at the State Higher Education Institution «Uzhhorod National University» (Uzhhorod, Ukraine)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.37222/2786-7552-2024-5-9
Specifics of Reflecting the Development of Transcarpathian electronic Media on the Pages of the local Press
The research traced the relationship between printed and electronic media and analyzed publications about the audiovisual media of Transcarpathia in the periodicals «Ukrainske slovo», «Svoboda», «Nova Svoboda», «Dilo», «Karpatorussky Golos», «Nedilia», «Russky Vestnyk» from the funds of the Scientific Library of UzhNU, the Regional Scientific Universal Library named after F. Potushnyak from the period of the 30s–40s of the 20th century, as well as materials of the printed media of Zakarpattya «Zakarpatska Pravda», «Novyny Zakarpattіa», «Orbita-logos», «RIO», «Uzhhorod», «Nedilia», «Journalist Zakarpattіa» from 1945 to the present. The paper’s purpose is to reveal the topics and issues of periodicals about the development of electronic media in Transcarpathia, to analyze the ways of presenting information, and to note the ideological bias of certain media. The novelty of the study lies in the fact that, for the first time, through the materials of periodicals, the main stages of the organization of radio and television in Transcarpathia have been investigated. Individual materials of the publications contribute to a deeper understanding of the specifics of this media landscape through the socio-political and cultural context. It has been summarized that the press revealed the main stages of the formation of electronic media in Transcarpathia and pointed to their close interconnection; its pages preserved many valuable materials on the history of regional radio and television, revealed factual information that complements certain topics in the history of Ukrainian journalism and allows us to better understand the challenges of that time.The prospects for further research on this topic make it possible to refute myths about the origin of radio and television and to trace the continuity and conditionality of the stages of their development.
Keywords: journalism, Transcarpathian radio and television, press, communication, historical context.
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