Українська English

Roman Blikharskyi
PhD in Social Communications
Research fellow
of the Research Institute for Press Studies
Vasyl Stefanyk National Scientiffi c Library of Ukraine in Lviv
(Lviv, Ukraine)


The axiological model of the «Catholic Action» journal: an attempt to construct and directions of interpretation

The article outlines the concept, purpose, and thematic focus of the publications of the «Catholic Action» journal, which was the official publication of the General Institute of Catholic Action in the Galician Church Province (Metropolia) of the Greek Catholic Church. Through this journal, the organizers and activists of Catholic Action, who were also the publishers and authors of the eponymous journal, conveyed the general doctrinal vision of the Vatican’s general doctrinal vision regarding the concept and ideology of the Action. They also outlined the characteristic guidelines for its implementation among the Ukrainian Galician community.

The study places emphasis on the value orientations of the publications of this journal, as it is considered that, from a press studies perspective, such a research direction is an essential step towards a better understanding of the conditions and mechanisms of identity formation among Ukrainians in interwar Galicia.

It has been determined that in order to optimize the study, it is necessary to construct an axiological model of the publication – a theoretical framework that outlines the primary values, priorities, moral ideals, and goals propagated by the publication. This model could potentially broaden the understanding of the role of mass media in shaping civic, cultural, and confessional identities within a specific historical context.

Based on the analysis of the journal’s publications, axiological models are proposed, demonstrating two approaches to the hierarchization, systematization, and interpretation of the complex of values propagated in the journal’s publications. Specifically: a model that structures a wide range of individual needs and aspirations along with the general ethical principles of collective coexistence, social responsibility, civic consciousness, and so forth; and a framework that reflects the distinctive ideological and thematic paradigm of the «Catholic Action» journal’s publications – the theme of the conflict of values between modern apologists of Christianity and the ideologues of progress and secularization.

Keywords: Catholic Action, religious periodicals, interwar period, Galicia, General Institute of Catholic Action.

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