Nadiia Kulesha
Candidate of Philological Sciences, Senior Research Fellow Vasyl Stefanyk National Scientific Library of Ukraine in Lviv (Lviv, Ukraine)
Abstract: A qualitative and quantitative content analysis of the magazine «Ukrainske Slovo» (Berlin, 1921–1922) was conducted while studying an issue of the Ukrainian press bibliography. Information about contemporary press publications was highlighted. The typological models of submitting materials to the press based on the structural features of the magazine’s content have been clarified. The information about the mentioned press in the studied textual content was analyzed and characterized. Materials in press publications are systematized according to target audience, readership, language, nationality, and party or group affiliation. A statistical summary of the information about press publications noted in the «Ukrainske Slovo» was carried out in various aspects: a quantitative assessment of the press publications noted in the journal; the duration of their output; and the numerical characteristics of the periodicals recorded in the studied text array that started in the considered period. The materials concerning the mentioned foreign press have been singled out and analyzed. The need for a bibliography of press publications and the importance of gathering information about them for the study of press history are emphasized.
Keywords: «Ukrainske Slovo» (Berlin, 1921–1922), press, content analysis, bibliography, systematization, statistics.
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