Українська English


Roman Blikharskyi

PhD (social communications) Vasyl Stefanyk National Scientiffic Library of Ukraine in Lviv (Lviv, Ukraine)


Abstract: The article outlines the social and political prerequisites for the establishment of diocesan periodicals, which were published in the Stanislaviv, Przemyśl dioceses, and the Lviv archdiocese; the role they played in the religious and church life of Galicia and in the organizational culture of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church in 1918–1939 is determined.
The role of the Galician diocesan officials « Vistnyk Peremyskoy Eparkhii», « Vistnyk Stanislavivskoi Eparkhii», «Lvivsko-Archieparchialni Vidomosti» in the system of organizational communication of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church is clarified, the functional purpose of which is considered in the light of organizational theories and an institutional approach.
The contents of «Lvivsko-Archieparchialni Vidomosti» are outlined, namely: official documents, consistory notices and orders, texts of occasional papal messages, pastoral letters of Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytskyi, etc. Special attention is paid to the issues of the interwar period (1918–1939), when the leadership of the Galician Metropolis had to solve a number of unique problems of the mission.

Keywords: «Vistnyk Peremyskoy Eparkhii», «Vistnyk Stanislavivskoi Eparkhii», «Lvivsko-Archieparchialni Vidomosti», Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, religious periodical, organization communication system, social institute.

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