Nadiia Brailian
Research Fellow at the Press Studies Research Institute
Vasyl Stefanyk National Scientific Library of Ukraine in Lviv
(Lviv, Ukraine)
Stefaniіa Nagirna (1898–1993) as a teacher and editor of the magazines «Nasha Ukraina» (Podebrady, 1933–1934) and «Dytyacha Zirka» (Revnice; Modrany, 1937–1938)
The article examines the pedagogical and editorial activities of Stefania Nahirna in Czechoslovakia in the 1930s. In particular, in 1933–1934 she worked at the Ukrainian Orphanage in Podebrady, and in 1935–1938 at the Ukrainian Real Gymnasium (first in Revnice and later in Modrany). S. Nagirna prepared and edited the children’s magazines Nasha Ukraina (Podebrady, 1933–1934) and Dytyacha Zirka (Revnice, Modrany, 1937–1938). These magazines were created by authors aged 6–11and consisted exclusively of children’s literary works, translations, riddles and drawings, with only minor spelling editing. The issues of the magazines were mostly thematic, and their topics were also chosen by children. These children’s magazines demonstrate a high level of national consciousness of their authors, their ability to express their thoughts in a particular literary form, to translate, to create riddles and puzzles, to establish contacts with other children’s publications, as well as Ukrainian and Czech figures, etc. All published works in these magazines demonstrate a deep connection with Ukraine, the people who live there, and the events that take place there, which is more valuable because it is felt by children born in emigration. Stefaniia Nagirna achieved this awareness of Ukrainian identity in children through long, persistent, and unobtrusive pedagogical work. The methodology she used was based on the constant familiarization of children with Ukrainian history, customs, life, traditions, music, poetry, and the principles of an “active school,” which included, in particular, encouraging children to work independently, an individual approach to each child, free development, and the formation of social cooperation skills. The pedagogical and editorial activity of S. Nagirna was highly appreciated by her contemporaries, as shown by the publications of the educationist and researcher of the Ukrainian press Arkadii Zhivotko, teacher, writer and librarian Nataliia Doroshenko, public figure Lidiia Sadovska.
Keywords: Stefaniia Nagirna, pedagogical and editorial activity, «Nasha Ukraina», «Dytyacha Zirka», children’s magazines, Ukrainian emigration, Czechoslovakia.
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