

Hryhorii Rudy

The problems of cultural protection sphere in the UkrSSR in the Kyiv periodicals’ representation (the 1970s)


The paper seeks for the first time to develop new avenues for the study of the monuments preservation of the Ukrainian SSR in the 1970s via a prism of the Kyiv newspapers. The article aims to research general trends and forms of development of the monument preservation policy in the Soviet Ukraine on the basis of a wide range of the Kyiv periodicals of the 1970s. A comprehensiveness and accuracy of coverage in the Kyiv periodicals of the development of the museum sphere in the Ukrainian SSR have been analyzed. The rediscovered publications allow us to conclude that active participation of the periodicals in the cultural protection movement as well as a pressure from the cultural protection activists contributed in an adoption in 1978 of the legislative acts (of the Soviet Ukraine and the USSR) «About protection and usage of monuments of history and culture». It shows that the Kyiv mainstream press of that period was presented as a rich event-actual phenomenon as well as an important factor in the protection and preservation of historical and cultural monuments in Ukraine. A juxtaposition of the content of different Kyiv newspapers makes possible to trace back paradoxes of development of the cultural protection sphere of that time, a struggle of views and positions of representatives of the Soviet authorities and devotees of monuments protection. Having researched the Kyiv periodicals’ corpora of the 1970s, we draw a conclusion that the periodicals of that time give historians a considerable empirical material for studying problems of the searching, scientific and mass work of the Kyiv museums in the Soviet Ukraine.

Keywords: the UkrSSR, the Kyiv newspaper periodicals, periodical press, the cultural monument protection sphere, protection and preservation of monuments of history and culture, historical and archaeological researches.

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