Українська English

Vasyl Gabor
PhD in Philology, Senior Research Fellow,
Senior Researcher of the Research Institute for Press Studies
Vasyl Stefanyk National Scientific Library of Ukraine in Lviv
(Lviv, Ukraine)


The Editorial Strategy of the Newspaper «Rusyn» (1923) in Commemorating the 120th Anniversary of Oleksander Dukhnovych

The article is dedicated to the editorial strategy of the newspaper «Rusyn» and its illustrated supplement «Nedilia Rusyna» in covering the 120th anniversary of the birth of the awakener of Transcarpathian Ukrainians, Oleksander Dukhnovych (1803–1865). In the context of the democratic system of the Czechoslovak Republic, to which Transcarpathia belonged in the 1920s and 1930s as an autonomous region under the name Subcarpathian Ruthenia, the editorial board gained the opportunity to objectively analyze for the first time Dukhnovych’s socio-political, pedagogical, and literary activities, the formation of his worldview, and his significance in the national revival of historical Transcarpathia (including the Pryashivshchyna).

The purpose of the study is to identify the priorities of the «Rusyn» editorial board in highlighting the figure of Dukhnovych as an outstanding religious, socio-political, and literary figure, as well as the relevance of his national ideas. For this purpose, articles published in the newspaper and its illustrated supplement, dedicated to Dukhnovych’s biography and his religious and secular poetry, were analyzed. Particular attention was paid to publications discussing the religious-reflective aspects of his works in the context of the literary achievements of other Slavic awakeners.

The editorial board of «Rusyn» sought to explore all facets of Dukhnovych’s personality, emphasizing his national and social views, analyzing the novelty of his poetry, and thus bringing him closer to their readership. The editorial strategy of «Rusyn» and its supplement «Nedilia Rusyna» in the context of celebrating the 120th anniversary of Dukhnovych’s birth contributed to this event becoming a symbol of the unification of Transcarpathian Rusyns, their socio-political revival, and the enduring relevance of the awakener’s ideas in their national revival.

It was determined that the authors of «Rusyn» concluded that the religious-reflective features of Dukhnovych’s poetry significantly distinguished his works from those of other Slavic awakeners. His poetry was noted for elements of literary classicism and traces of «erotic lyricism».

Keywords: Oleksander Dukhnovych, The 120th anniversary, «Rusyn», «Nedilia Rusyna», editorial strategy.

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