Marianna Movna, Candidate of Historical Science, Performing duties head of the Department of Scientific Bibliography of Vasyl Stefanyk National Scientific Library of Ukraine in Lviv
Restored Shevchenko Scientific Society in Ukraine: summary of publishing activities
The restored NTSh is a scientific institution formed in theoretical and practical dimensions with clear statist approaches to the interpretation and specific work on the study of scientific processes. Relying on the traditional scientific concepts of the previous NTSh, the society developed a clear program of actions related to the essence and meaning of national life, problems of the development of the Ukrainian idea and national interest from the point of view of various scientific engagement. At the current stage, we still do not have a comprehensive study of the publishing activity of the restored NTSh. In 2023, the author began work on the historical and bibliographic research (monograph) “Restored Shevchenko Scientific Society in independent Ukraine: publishing experience, traditions, succession” within the departmental theme of the Department of Scientific Bibliography “Shevchenko Scientific Society in Lviv (1873–1939) as a nationwide publishing center”.
The article examines the results of the publishing activity of the restored NTSh in Ukraine, analyzes the publishing strategies in the production of printed products during the years 1989–2023, which comprehensively illuminates the scientific and popular science discourse, and also traces the continuity of traditions in the transmission of publishing experience. The publishing activity of the restored NTSh from 1989 to the present day (the 5th stage of its activity is the revival of the parent NTSh in Ukraine), in particular the series “Ukrainian Studies Scientific Library of NTSh”, “Popular Science Library”, “Proceedings of NTSh”, “Notes of NTSh”, structured by sections (Philological, Historical and Philosophical, Art Studies, Ethnography and Folkloristics) and commissions (Musicology, Special (auxiliary) historical disciplines), “Proceedings of sessions, conferences, symposia, “round tables” of the NTSh”, “Prominent figures of NTSh”, “Memorial library of NTSh”, “Visnyk NTSh” magazine.
Keywords: Shevchenko Scientific Society, Lviv, book series, modern publishing activity, topics of publications.
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