Українська English
Valentyna Halych
Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor
Private higher educational institution
«International University of Economics and Humanities named after Academician Stepan Demianchuk»
(Rivne, Ukraine)

Artem Halych
Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor
State institution «Luhansk National University named after Taras Shevchenko»
(Poltava, Ukraine)


Immersive interview of Mykola Tymoshik as a response to modern challenges

The need to study the genre of the modern interview is motivated by such factors as the active transformation of the system of journalistic genres under the influence of world trends of the era of globalization and the latest information technologies and socio-political changes in the young Ukrainian state, marked by the cultivation of the principles of democracy; the weak development of the theory of the interview genre due to its active penetration into the content and structure of informational and analytical genres and the generation of numerous modification and diffusion forms; the activity of interviews in the Ukrainian printed and electronic mass media during the war. In addition, the research through the prism of traditions and innovation of the works of this genre of dialogic speech in the journalistic output of Mykola Tymoshyk, an outstanding scientist, public figure and teacher, gives an opportunity to emphasize other problems of the modern interview, in particular, moral-ethical, axiological, educational.

The object of the study is the immersive (virtual) interview of Mykola Tymoshyk under the heading «Olha Kobylianska about the lack of spirituality and mancurtism of Ukrainians», and its subject is the specificity of the genre of interview with a monument and its communicative and educational potential. The purpose and task of the article consist in revealing the immersive content of the interview with the monument in the informational challenges of the modern time as a representative of the portrait of Mykola Tymoshyk. The interview in his creative output has not yet become the object of a systematic and comprehensive study. Our publication is a first attempt to fill this lacuna. The methods of scientific research (discursive, biographical, historical, axiological, typological) helped to reveal the subject of scientific research in various aspects, in particular, to present the interview of Mykola Tymoshyk as a multidimensional communicative phenomenon in the coordinates of social time and space, to comment on its content taking into account spiritual values and in tangibility to the scientific, educational and public activities of the author.

The result of the study is the definition of an immersive interview as a type of journalistic work of a dialogic form, which contributes to the immersion of recipients in virtual/augmented reality, a kind of unreal, artificially created world, with which they can interact in real time in order to understand actual current problems.

Keywords: journalistic activity, journalism, genre, immersive interview, convergence, modification, portraiting.

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