Українська English

Ihor Vdovychyn
D.Sc іn Political Scіences,
Professor, Department of Theory and History of Political Science,
Ivan Franko National University of Lviv,
(Lviv, Ukraine)


Issues of information warfare on the pages of «Ukrainskyi Tyzhden» magazine (2022–2024)

The phenomenon of «information warfare» is analysed, which is becoming one of the decisive tools of influence in the modern world, full of large-scale wars that threaten to escalate into the Third World War. This factor determines the relevance of the topic of the article. The history of the scientific study of the issue of information warfare in modern studies, in particular by V. Horbulin, V. Petryk, M. Trebin, А. Fisun and others, is presented. The purpose of the study is to reveal the tools of information warfare and means of counteraction, especially using the example of Ukrainskyi tyzhden magazine. To achieve the goal, the following tasks are determined: to demonstrate approaches to the components of information warfare – various PSYOP (psychological operations) and the potential dangers that arise in the absence of resistance to manipulation of consciousness and information violence. Systemic, hermeneutic and historical methods are used as a methodological basis. The problems for Ukraine in connection with Russia’s wide use of «information warfare» technologies against our country and the tools of resistance – the active intellectual activity of Ukrainskyi tyzhden magazine in 2022–2024 – are shown. The importance of the periodical’s work is due not only to directly addressing these issues, but above all to understanding the broader historical and political context in which events take place. This is achieved by publishing a variety of journalistic, research, and analytical materials, including those by foreign authors. The magazine forms a worldview in its readers that allows them to critically perceive external information influences. The position of the periodical is not only a response to acute problems in the confrontation with Russia but it also plays an important role in creating an intellectual environment of freedom in Ukraine.

Keywords: information war, mass media, press, Russia, Ukraine, manipulation, Ukrainskyi tyzhden.

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