Українська English

Oksana Sereda
PhD in Social Communications
Senior Research Fellow at the Press Studies Research Institute
Vasyl Stefanyk National Scientific Library of Ukraine in Lviv
(Lviv, Ukraine)


The magazine «Nashi Dni» (1941–1944):chronicle of Ukrainian cultural life under occupation

The peculiarities of the functioning of the Ukrainian literary and artistic magazine «Nashi Dni» during the German occupation have been studied and its editorial and publishing policy in the conditions of censorship repression and limited information opportunities has been analyzed. The purpose of the article was to reconstruct the history of the magazine’s appearance, to characterize the composition of its editorial board, the duties of the editors, to reveal the pseudonyms and cryptonyms of the periodical’s employees. To this end, a number of tasks were completed – the memories of direct participants in the Ukrainian press publishing process of 1941–1944 were found and processed; a thorough analysis of the publication’s content was carried out in order to identify all its employees and contributors; dictionaries of hidden names were reviewed in order to reveal the pseudonyms and cryptonyms of the authors. The research is relevant because the magazine «Nashi Dni» has been studied by researchers only in terms of its thematic content and as a source of information about Ukrainian cultural life under the conditions of German occupation. The novelty of the article lies in the fact that, thanks to a thorough study of the sources, it was possible to highlight the history of the magazine, look behind the editorial scenes and outline the duties of the editors of the publication, introduce a number of pseudonyms and cryptonyms into scientific circulation. General scientific (analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction) and special (biographical) methods were used to achieve the tasks of this investigation.The magazine «Nashi Dni» was published in Lviv on December 1, 1941 under the auspices of the Ukrainian Publishing House of  Periodicals and Magazines for the Galicia District (later transferred to the Ukrainian Publishing House) and had the goal of «creating literature and art for the Nation». The editorial board was initially headed by Osyp Bodnarovych, then by Ivan Nimchuk, the responsible editors were Maria Strutynska and Antonina Strutynska. The editorial board also included Svyatoslav Gordynskyi, Vasyl Simovych, Ostap Tarnavskyi and Mykola Shlemkevych. A total of 30 issues were published, the last, issue 4/5, dated April–May 1944. It has been concluded that the magazine played a decisive role in the restoration and formation of the Ukrainian cultural space of Galicia under the conditions of occupation and managed to rally around itself creative Ukrainians from both sides of the Zbruch River.

Keywords: «Nashi Dni», magazine, editorial office, pseudonym, literary and artistic life, German occupation.

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