Українська English

Olesia Drozdovska
PhD in Philologi, Senior Research Fellow,
Senior Researcher Fellow of the Research Institute for Press Studies
of the Vasyl Stefanyk National Scientific Library of Ukraine in Lviv
(Lviv, Ukraine)


«Holos z nad Buha» (1918–1919): documenting life in war conditions

The modern Russian-Ukrainian war and the propagandists of the aggressor country trying to change the perception of Ukraine as a sovereign state and subject of international relations raise the question of a comprehensive portrayal of our country’s historical past. In this context, it is important to study the Ukrainian press as a transmitter of national ideology, a resource for preserving the memory of victories and defeats in the struggle for independence. The purpose of the article is to study the specifics of the reflection in the newspaper «Holos z Nad Buhа» («The voice from over the Bug») of the realities of life in Eastern Galicia, in particular the Sokal region, during the Polish-Ukrainian war of 1918-1919. The author completed the following goals: analysed the content of «Holos z Nad Buhа» («The voice from over the Bug»); discovered the peculiarities of reflecting the events of that time in the newspaper; identified the main problem of publications and described the topics. Research methodology: historiographical, descriptive, comparative and systematic methods, as well as methods of qualitative content analysis, textual analysis and synthesis were used. Scientific novelty: the peculiarities of the coverage of the life of Sokal region and Eastern Galicia in general in December 1918 – May 1919 in the newspaper «Holos z Nad Buhа» («The voice from over the Bug») are determined; the main problematic directions of publications are defined and characterised. Conclusions. The newspaper «Holos z Nad Buhа» («The voice from over the Bug») is dominated by propaganda, official, and agitation materials. The main problematic areas of the materials published in it: 1) state independence and unity of Ukraine; 2) the Polish-Ukrainian war of 1918-1919; 3) events and problems of civilian life. Comprehending the content of the Ukrainian press published during the National Liberation Movement of 1917-1921 is important for the objective reproduction of those events. The events and facts recorded in it are necessary for forming collective memory, a significant basis of national identity.

Keywords: West Ukrainian People’s Republic, Polish-Ukrainian War, «Holos z nad Buha»/«The voice from over the Bug», the county press, the issues of publications.

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