Українська English

Marta Shuvaryk, Junior Researcher in Department of Scientific Bibliography, Vasyl Stefanyk National Scientific Library of Ukraine in Lviv

Library of Shevchenko Scientific Society in Lviv: international relations, book exchange



The article examines the activities of the Library of the National Academy of Sciences in Lviv, which ranked third among Lviv book collections and had the largest systematic collection of Ukrainian literature in the world. The lib­rary was founded by Oleksandr Konyskyi, and the librarians were O. Makovey, M. Voroniy, M. Hrushevskyi, K. Pankivskyi, M. Pavlyk, D. Korenets, I. Kre­vetskyi, and V. Doroshenko.

Attention is focused on three sources of books coming to the library: gifts from famous figures, exchange with foreign scientific institutions, and purchases from bookstores and antique stores. The donations of V. Antonovych, O. Barvinskyi, O. Borodai, B. Zaklinskyi, I. Franko, Yu. Tselevich and others joined the gatherings of the NTSH. The exchange took place in doublets and editions of the National Academy of Sciences. The library received books in various languages from all over the world. The list of institutions with which the exchange took place is regularly submitted by “Chronicle of NTSH”.There was an active exchange with Slavic scientific academies (Serbian, Yugoslav, Bulgarian, Polish, Czech). Contacts were also established with second-hand and antique shops both in Ukraine and abroad.

The maximum use of all possible sources of collection of the Library of the National Academy of Sciences made it possible to create a book collection of such a level that we can talk about its uniqueness in Eastern Europe.

KeywordsLibrary of Shevchenko Scientific Society in Lviv, book exchange, international relations, Mykhailo Hrushevskyi, Ivan Krevetskyi, “Chronicle of NTSh”, collection of Ukrainian literature, special fund.

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