Українська English

Sophiia Kohut, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Researcher in Department of Scientific Bibliography, Vasyl Stefanyk National Scientific Library of Uk­raine in Lviv

Mykhajlo Hrushevskyi about ukrainian writers: the prosopographic aspect



In the article the lighted up theme of obituaries of the Ukrainian writers by Mykhajlo Hrushevskyi. The question of terminology is analysed, in particu­lar, understanding of genre of obituary, its typology and setting, interpretation of obituary as prosopographycal genre. Obituaries of the Ukrainian wri­ters written by М. Hrushevskyi are analysed not only as an informative bio­graphic and historical and literary source, but as a document of historical me­mory, that contains own estimations of inheritance of the dead person, private remembrances and reflections, therefore, without regard to narrow enough and utilitarian, and even the ritual theoretical scopes of genre, it can be considered as personality text that represents not only biography and description of creative inheritance of died person but also characteristic of obituarist. Having regard to a scale and weight of personality of Mykhajlo Hrushevskyi, this aspect seems especially interesting and valuable for research of history of Ukrainian literature and development of culture on the whole.

Literary criticism of М. Hrushevskyi always lighted through the prism of history and publicism. His deep literary-aesthetic estimations were for him first of all an argument at the search of corresponding place for work of writer in the historical and literary process, and also determination of value of this work for becoming of Ukrainian identities. In obituaries of writers by Mykhaj­lo Hrushevskyi expounded his literature position, his understanding of role of literature for becoming and development of Ukrainian nation, that the historians of literature afterwards will outline as positivism of study of literature wiews: by the basic criterion of estimation of activity of writers to count their contribution to development of national society, their civil position. The special interest is presented also by the estimations of creative inheritance of people about Hrushevskyi wrote.

Keywords: Mykhajlo Hrushevskyi, obituaries, prosopography, Ukrainian writers, O. Konyskyj, D. Mordowets, M. Kostomarow, І. Franko, I. Nechuj-Lewytskyj, Lesia Ukrainka.

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