Українська English

Oksana Sereda
Candidate of Social Communications
Vasyl Stefanyk National Scientifi c Library of Ukraine in Lviv
(Lviv, Ukraine)

Thanks to the processing of archival documents, the circumstances of the establishment and functioning of the Lviv weekly «Dni», sources of funding, and the composition of its editorial board have been revealed. The idea of an «interesting word» declared by the editors has been studied in practice, and the publishing strategy for attracting the readership has been analyzed. The relevance of the topic of the article is well-founded – the weekly «Dni» has not yet been noticed by press historians as a separate object of research, although famous writers, artists and cultural figures of Galicia were involved in its appearance. The state of scientific development of the researched topic in modern journalism is highlighted.

It was noted that the editors of the magazine «Dni» did not clearly declare the purpose of the magazine and addressed it to those who rebelled against gray everyday life and wanted to get acquainted with the colorful lives of others. The most active authors of the publication have been identified, their pseudonyms and cryptonyms were named, the authorship of unsigned publications has been established, and two hitherto unknown pseudonyms have been identified.

Special emphasis has been placed on the original artistic work presented in the columns of the magazine «Dni» – these are stories and poems of young writers known in Galicia. The artistic design of the weekly has been highly appreciated.

The main topics that most often worried the magazine’s authors has been highlighted, including: evaluation of literary creativity, development of theater, photographic art, and cinematography. The structure of the publication and the system of rubrics have been analyzed, and a brief overview of the contents of the weekly has been given.

Its own vision of the effectiveness of the editorial line and possible reasons for closing the journal has been offered, among which financial difficulties of the editorial office and insufficient support from readers have been mentioned. It has been emphasized that despite the short release, the magazine «Dni» is a really interesting press project, which under favorable circumstances could have greater success and present broader artistic issues in its columns.

Keywords: weekly, «Dni», editorial office, publication, pseudonym, readers.

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