Українська English


Myroslav Romaniuk

Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Vasyl Stefanyk National Scientific Library of Ukraine in Lviv (Lviv, Ukraine)


Abstract: The paper examines «The Proceedings of the Research and Scientific Institute for Periodicals», published during 1993–2021. The author characterizes the main features of its content, the problems that researchers touch on in their articles devoted to historical, functional, thematic, and typological issues of Ukrainian press of the past centuries. This academic publication of the Research and Scientific Institute of Press Studies at the Vasyl Stefanyk National Scientific Library of Ukraine in Lviv is stated to be an important source for studying the history of the Ukrainian press. The study has confirmed that articles contained valuable historical information that was previously unknown. The prominent feature of «The Proceedings» is the novelty of its publications, since the majority of them were the first to reconstruct the historical and journalistic processes, indicating characteristics, typological configurations, and the journalistic circle. These publications filled the gaps in the knowledge of the general history of journalism and particularly its functioning in local communities, with an emphasis on professional issues. The main themes of publications were identified, as were theoretical and methodological problems of studying the history of the press, historiographical and source features of the press as an object, and typological features of the press. The author demonstrated a need for continuing the study of the history of the press and the role of the press in the social, political, and cultural life of Ukrainian society, as well as filling in the white spots of the historical-journalistic process of the past, which, despite the careful work of researchers, still remain.

Keywords: «Collection of works of the Research Institute of PressStudies», history of the press, historical-journalistic process, typology of the press, historiography.

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