Українська English

Dziuban Roman, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Research Department, Manuscript Department, Vasyl Stefanyk National Scientific Library of Ukraine in Lviv

Yakiv Honigsman and his collection in the funds of the manuscript department of the Vasyl Stefanyk National Scientific Library of Ukraine in Lviv


In recent years, the interest of both the general public and the scientific community to get better acquainted with the culture of national minorities in Ukraine has been growing. Therefore, intelligence becomes relevant, which covers the processes of development of cultures of these minorities and actualizes the directions of further research in this area. One such minority is the Jewish minority. Jews belong to one of the oldest ethnic minorities in Ukraine, known since ancient times. The number of Jews declined sharply in Ukraine in the middle of the last century, due to the policy of extermination by the German Nazis during World War II, and continued to decline during the independence of Ukraine due to the departure of a large number of Jews to their ancient homeland. territory of the State of Israel. However, in the new post-Soviet conditions of an independent Ukrainian state, the Jewish community has better opportunities to develop its national culture. The purpose of the article and our task was to review the personal fund of the economist and researcher of the history of the Jewish community of eastern Poland and western Ukraine, which makes up the historical and biographical background. Archival research methods were used in compiling the descriptions of J. Honigsman’s fund, and a biographical method was used in compiling the biographical information about the scientist. Autobiographies, personal documents, memoirs, articles about the scientist, as well as correspondence were used for the analysis. General historical research methods and the historical source method were useful. The described archive of J. Honigsman can be useful first of all to economists who study the economy of Western Ukraine in the second half of the XIX – early XX centuries. There are some values ​​of his work on the life and death (Holocaust) of Jews during the German occupation of Galicia, as well as documents relating to the life of the Jewish community in Lviv after Ukraine gained independence in 1991.

Keywords: Honigsman, Jewish literature, old prints, manuscripts, B’nai Brith International, reviews, ghetto, Ukrainian-Jewish relations, correspondence.

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