Українська English


Nadiia Kulesha, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Senior Research Fel¬low, Head of the Scientific Department of the Press Studies Research Institute the Vasyl Stefanyk National Scientific Library of Ukraine in Lviv

Polish press about Vasyl Stefanyk: Intravital publication

The article is devoted to the study of Polish periodicals of 1899–1931 for the presence of publications about V. Stefanyk. In Stefanyk studies, literary criticism works devoted to the works of Vasyl Stefanyk and Polish translations of his works were studied, but the issues of intravital publications have not been highlighted yet separately.
The work of the Ukrainian novelist was the subject of interest on a range of Polish scholars, literary critics, and translators. The reviews of V. Stefanyk’s works were published in a number of popular Polish periodicals, in particular “Czas”, “Krytyka”, “Nowa Reforma”, “Przegląd Powszechny”, “Życie”, “Ogniwo”, “Prawda”, “Pamiętnik Warszawski”, “Chwila”, “Promień”, which were published in three cities associated with Ukrainian and Polish cultures, namely: Warsaw, Krakow and Lviv. The authors of these reviews noted the V. Stefanyk’s talent originality, who, in his characteristic expressionist way, managed in the novella form to show the social-ideological issues of that time period in the Ukrainian national and, at the same time, universal dimension. A number of reviews belong to Wacław Moraczewski, who had an essential influence on the shaping of the young Ukrainian writer V. Stefanyk, and inscribed his works in the European context, emphasizing the national features of his talent.
Polish translations of Stefanyk’s novellas were published in Polish periodicals, almost simultaneously with their Ukrainian publications. It has been found that, for ideological reasons, critical reviews of Ukrainian literary critics in Polish periodicals have not been studied by a number of Ukrainian researchers. All the reviews of V. Stefanyk’s work in Polish periodicals that have been discussed in the article, will help to clarify the Ukrainian writers’ work reception by Polish literary critics and to find out the thematic direction of the press in which they were published.
Keywords:Vasyl Stefanyk, Polish press, Polish literary environment, re¬views, popularization, thematic specialization of the press.

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