Roman Blikharskyi, Candidate of Social Communications, Researcher at Department of Ukrainian Periodicals Studies The Press Studies Research In¬stitute, Vasyl Stefanyk National Scientific Library of Ukraine in Lviv
“No much than all my writings”: context and preview of Vasyl Stefanyk’s autobiography of 1926
The article is devoted to the preconditions for writing the first Vasyl Stefanyk’s autobiographical work. The research focuses on the problems of genre differentiation and interpretation of the autobiography function, understood by us as a documentary story of first-person biographical facts.
Has been defined that the the Vasyl Stefanyk’s autobiographical work be¬came aware for the first time through Ivan Lyzanivskyi’s publication “Stefa¬nyk pro sebe”, on the pages of the magazine “Pluzhanyn” of the Union of Peasant Writers “Pluh”.
The peculiarity of the Ukrainian literary process of the 1920s have been described. In particular, the ideological platform of the “Pluh” was focused on peasant issues, tried to attract writers to build a new cultural and social reality, thus contributing of Soviet policy implementation «smychka of the city and the village».
In the article is emphasized that rustic motives in Vasyl Stefanyk’s work were of interested to Soviet ideology because they illustrated the shortcomings of “old” peasant life, and for “Pluh” the writer’s work was also a source of folklore material.
A significant role in the fact that Vasyl Stefanyk’s name was appearing on the pages of Ukrainian Soviet magazines was played by the publisher, li¬terary critic, and in the past public figure Ivan Lyzanivskyi, who, in particu¬lar, have been published fragments of Vasyl Stefanyk’s Autobiography and commented on them in the socialist ideology way.
This paper proposes, to take into account the communicative situation during autobiographical texts researching, in which the speaker (namely: Va¬syl Stefanyk), in a retrospective manner, depicts the formation of a represen¬tative image of his own “Self”.
It has been determined that Vasyl Stefanyk’s autobiography of 1926 was, the communicative act realization between the writer and I. Lyzanivskyi. This option will allow to further expand the hermeneutic arsenal, and avoid biased conclusions due to the alleged causal constructions.
Keywords: Vasyl Stefanyk, Ivan Lyzanivskyi, autobiography, “Pluzhanin”, subjectivity, literary process, communicative act.
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